The Technique of Teaching Speaking in the International Class Program
Milawati, S.Pd
STKIP PGRI Bangkalan
Abstract: in International Standard School (SBI) English becomes the primary
language in teaching and learning process which required the students of
international classes should be able to communicate in English well. Therefore,
the schools that have international class should fulfill the criteria of international
standard. This article is intended to describe the techniques of teaching speaking,
material and media used and the students’ participation toward the technique of
teaching speaking in International Standard School (SBI). The findings showed
that the technique of teaching speaking in regular class were different from those
in the international class program, the material used in the regular class were
based on two curriculum, namely; the Cambridge curriculum and national
curriculum while in the language support class program the teachers had freedom
to select the materials, the teacher used three kinds of media; visual, audio and
audiovisual media.
Key words: teaching technique, international class, speaking ability.