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Mustain. 2011. Improving The Students’ Ability in Writing Expository in the Third Semester of English Department at STKIP PGRI Bangkalan through the Writing Process Strategy.

Mustain. 2011. Improving The Students’ Ability in Writing Expository in the Third Semester of
English Department at STKIP PGRI Bangkalan through the Writing Process Strategy.
Key Words: Writing Ability, Expository Paragraph, Writing Process Strategy
The researcher used Classroom Action Research design in which the researcher together
with the classroom teacher planned the action, implemented the action, observed the action, and
reflected the action. This study was conducted in one cycle comprising 4 meetings. The first
meeting was focused on prewriting and drafting, the second meeting was revising, the third
meeting was editing, and the last meeting was publishing. The data of this study were obtained
from the results of observation checklist, field notes, and the students’ final writing.
By applying the writing strategy in writing expository paragraph, the result of analysis of
both in teaching and learning process in cycle 1was improved. The result of the student’s
activities observation checklist was 73 out of 80 possible. So, the students had fulfilled the
criteria of success 91.25%. While based on the students’ final writing after implementing the
writing process strategy in cycle 1 had been proved that they had improvement. The students’
final writing result shown good category with the average score 74.64 (70 -79 score). In this
case, most students could reach the criteria of success.

Mustain.  2011.  Peningkatan Kemampuan Mahamahasiswa dalam Menulis Expository Paragrap
di Semester III Jurusan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Bangkalan Melalui Strategi Proses Menulis

Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Menulis, Ayat Expository, Strategi Proses Menulis

Peneliti menggunakan desain Penelitian Tindakan Kelas di mana peneliti bersama-sama
dengan guru kelas yang direncanakan tindakan, dilaksanakan tindakan, mengamati tindakan, dan
merefleksikan tindakan.  Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam satu siklus terdiri dari 4 pertemuan.
Pertemuan pertama difokuskan pada bidang pra dan penyusunan, pertemuan kedua adalah
merevisi, pertemuan ketiga mengedit, dan pertemuan terakhir adalah penerbitan.  Data penelitian
ini diperoleh dari hasil checklist observasi, catatan lapangan, dan menulis akhir mahasiswa.
Dengan menerapkan strategi menulis dalam menulis paragraf ekspositoris, hasil analisis
baik dalam proses belajar mengajar di  siklus 1 meningkat.  Hasil pengamatan checklist kegiatan
mahasiswa adalah 73 dari 80 kemungkinan.  Jadi, para mahasiswa telah memenuhi kriteria
keberhasilan 91,25%.  Sementara berdasarkan menulis akhir mahasiswa setelah menerapkan
strategi proses penulisan dalam siklus 1 telah membuktikan bahwa mereka mengalami perbaikan.
Hasil akhir menulis mahamahasiswa menunjukkan kategori baik dengan skor rata-rata 74,64 (70
-79 skor).  Dalam hal ini, sebagian besar mahasiswa bisa mencapai kriteria keberhasilan.